It is going to cost a fortune to customize the system and train employees how to use it, and, last but not least, it is out of sync with your system, which means you have to re-enter all data at your end.
Sounds familiar?
Many small businesses owners tend to treat the purchase of accounting software as a business process that is not related to any other processes in their business.
They end up having to adapt each individual business process to their new system, instead of buying software that integrates with the way they already do business.
Small business owners tend to underestimate what it takes to buy or upgrade an accounting software package – it requires thorough analysis, training, ongoing after-sales support and a considerable amount of money.
Experts recommend that businesses start by evaluating software that has already been on the small business market for a while.
Even though new developers and major international software houses may have state-of-the-art systems that are definitely worth evaluating, they may not have been developed specially for small businesses. They often do not have local support and training facilities and are not able to customize the system to suit small business needs.
If a business wishes to purchase a customized system they should realize that customization of accounting software had a different meaning ten years ago than it does today, says accounting software expert Ray DeSena.
He recommends developer or third party add-ons to solve your client’s business problem. In the long run, the cost of updating the add-ons will not be as expensive as one hundred percent customization.
“There are literally thousands of third party and developer add-ons available for some of the major products like MAS 90, Macola, or Great Plains,” says DeSena.
Some of these add-ons are separate modules themselves, with seamless integration.
According to DeSena, MAS 90 has several reputable developers, such as the Macabe Associates, Blytheco, DSD Inc. and High Tower Inc. Some of the enhancements that they can offer include multi-company accounts payable, multi-bin inventory, and multi-currency enhancements.
If a business is not able to spend money on a customized system, and an off-the-shelf system is their only option, experts warn that they should only consider the packages that have proven performance, such as Sage Business Works Gold, Netledger, QuickBooks Pro, MS Money and MYOB.
These packages are relatively cheap and cater for general accounting needs, but your client should be aware that these programs may no longer be suitable at a later stage, when their business is growing quickly.
More importantly, they may not be able to provide your client with any unusual accounting features their business requires. A manufacturer, for example, may be better off with a vertical market accounting system that considers all aspects of that industry sector and includes stock control, re-sellings and costing, warehousing, freight etc.
When considering the best accounting software for their business, experts recommend you consider the following:
- Does the new system integrate with your accountant’s system?
- Is it easy to use and easy to enter data into?
- Does it integrate with or complement other existing business software?
- Does it meet a business’ specific accounting requirements?
Does it offer the main accounting features you currently need? - Is it easy to expand as needed?
- Does it include training and ongoing after-sales support?
- Does it run fast enough on my your computer?
- Does it produce easy-to-read reports?
- Does it include an extensive manual and any other documentation?
- Has the system had any good reviews, or do have other businesses recommended it?
- Does it provide more features than you really need?
There are of course numerous optional features that could be included in the package, such as the ability to import electronic bank statements. But make sure you evaluate each option against your business needs, not your wants.
For more information on accounting packages and software reviews, take a look at the following links:
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