by Chris Hunter | Mar 10, 2020 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Communications & Performance Reviews, General - Human Resources
When giving feedback, either positive or constructively critical, there are only two reasons for doing so: to change or reinforce behavior in order to achieve a desired result. With those purposes in mind, here are 15 tips for providing feedback. Click here to read...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Coaching & Soft Skills, General - Human Resources, Leadership
Running a business isn’t something you can usually do by yourself. One way or another, other people make their contributions to your enterprise. They could be members of your team, suppliers, co-directors or even family members who support you and they all deserve...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources
The implications of what has been termed the “skills shortage” need to be understood by every business owner. The ways we hire, train, remunerate and manage people will have to change, and so will the way we run our businesses. Most countries have an aging workforce...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources
Dishonesty in the workplace takes two main forms – lying and stealing, and both are more common than many of us would like to think. Everyday examples of lying in the workplace include embellishing the truth on personal resumes and company track records; suggesting to...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources, Leadership
Every person in every organization is well aware that by adopting even the most basic time management techniques they can become more effective, and hence more productive. Even if they don’t actually do it. For professional service firms it is especially important....
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources
The exit interview is an interview given to a departing employee – usually one that has voluntarily resigned instead of those that are fired or are restructured out of a job. The exit interview can be conducted any time after an employee has given notice of...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources
It was a hot issue a few years ago but now flextime seems to have been dropped from press coverage. Does that mean it was tried and didn’t work? Momentum to introduce flextime grew through the 1990s and peaked along with the economy. However, since the dotcom crash...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources, General - Operations, General - Personal Growth & Leadership
In most enterprises today goal setting for team members is a part of the business structure. Goals provide a direction toward which your team can direct their energies. Goals focus your efforts and the efforts of your team on the activities that propel you in the...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources
by Chris Hunter | Dec 30, 2015 | General - Human Resources
Nobody likes laying off employees. But there are ways of minimizing the unpleasantness on both sides. It’s obviously important to ensure that layoffs are conducted legally and that there are no ensuing court cases. It’s worth checking with a lawyer beforehand to make...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 27, 2016 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Employee Recognition & Rewards, General - Human Resources, Leadership, Performance Management, Retention
Everyone who’s ever worked in a business has thought about how to make it better. It’s usually with the goal of making their own job a bit easier or more rewarding, but that’s natural and highlights the sincerity of suggestions that originate from outside the owner’s...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 30, 2015 | General - Human Resources
Despite the bad press lavish entertaining is attracting, it’s still important to celebrate success. But how should this be done given the economic climate? And what constitutes appropriate celebration if we’re in, what the US is calling, a post-September 11 age of...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Coaching & Soft Skills, General - Human Resources, Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Dec 30, 2015 | General - Human Resources
Description: Managers invariably use their personal contacts when they need to, say, meet an impossible deadline or learn the truth about a new boss. Increasingly, it’s through these informal networks–not just through traditional organizational hierarchies–that...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 30, 2015 | General - Human Resources
While there will always be some gossip and rumors, office politics does not need to be a negative experience. Office politics can be used to advantage if done properly. Let’s face it: office politics are inevitable. Wherever people gather, they will gossip, spread...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 30, 2015 | General - Human Resources, Retention
Some organizations are trying to weather the current economic downturn by outsourcing, so that they can focus more on their core business and maximize their competitive advantage. Some favor outsourcing administrative and human resource (HR) functions. “During a...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 30, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, General - Human Resources
As the world economy slumps and unemployment rises, more and more managers face the task of laying off workers. There are a host of negative emotions to be managed at this time and the aftermath of layoffs could present great problems. Workforce ‘survivors’ will be...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 30, 2015 | Employee Recognition & Rewards, General - Human Resources
As times change so does the way in which we note special occasions. We now have team members instead of ‘personnel’, and celebrations instead of what used to be unimaginatively called ‘office functions’. Some of the benefits of celebrations are: • They bring...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 30, 2015 | General - Human Resources, Retention
During the nineties, the number of Americans doing ‘telework’ or ‘telecommuting’ grew from four to twenty million. The number of ‘teleworkers’ seems set to increase even further. The trend continues to grow as bandwidth increases! Teleworkers work from home or other...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 30, 2015 | General - Human Resources, Legal Issues
Ever since Orwell’s classic novel “1984” was published there’s been a growing sense that Big Brother may indeed be watching us. Walking along a city street, driving on a freeway, or even sitting at our desks there’s an increasing chance that someone could be looking...