Resumes: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Although resumes are every candidate’s gateway to an exciting new career, employers must be aware they could be letting in a Trojan horse. Sadly, evaluating a resume not only includes determining which candidate is the most suitable for the job, but also weeding out...

Retaining Good Team Members in a Small Company

Good team members are hard to find and hard to keep. Although the economic downturn has led to some downsizing, talented people still have their pick of good jobs. There are likely to be increased talent shortages over the coming years, as baby boomers retire and are...

So What if They Were Fired?

You’ve got a hole in the team and need the right person to fill it. What happens if someone applies for it and you find that they were fired or laid off from their last position? They might be just right in every other way but this one fact has understandably made you...

Sure Fire Ways to Blow an Interview

1. Knowing a little or nothing about the company 2. Negative attitude 3. Poor communication skills 4. Rambling, disconnected the answers 5. Inappropriate behavior 6. Failure to make eye contact 7. Failure to ask questions 8. In proper dress 9. No career direction/not...

Training Your Team Members Online

In today’s business environment, plenty has been said about the importance of keeping team members well educated and equipped with enough of the latest industry work practices, tricks and procedures to bring maximum value to employers. Popular belief says that...

Turn Supervisors into Coaches

It has been demonstrated across a number of industries that team performance can be enhanced through the application of external coaching. The members of a team will collectively “lift their game” and productivity increases are the norm. However, the degree of...

What Your Team Members Really Want

It can be a costly blow to lose a key team member in a professional services firm. There’s the possibility of their taking some business with them, of course, but also the cost of sourcing a replacement and the expense to the firm of getting the new person up to full...