Be Different — and Quantify It!

The purchasing behavior of human beings is fairly predictable. If they buy something once and it works for them, they’ll be inclined to repurchase it when the need arises again. And if they purchase something from a source that is acceptable to them and doesn’t let...

Manage Your Own Big Event

Many businesses decide to host an event of some kind — it could be a dinner for clients or perhaps a picnic for team members and their families. Whatever the reason for your big event might be, it pays to plan ahead and make sure it achieves its objectives. Regardless...

Marketer, Sell Thyself!

There’s a lot of confusion about just what constitutes marketing. Is it advertising? Yes. Is it pricing? Yes. Is it selling? Not often enough. A lot has been said about all the new ways of marketing and how businesses have to change to reflect a new focus on...

Marketing to the “Twentysomethings”

The members of the “twentysomethings” of today were born sometime between the mid-1970s and the mid-1980s. As a marketing target they’re unlike any previous generation and so geared to new ideas that just getting their attention can be a real challenge.Perhaps the...