5 Key Marketing Questions

When you know the answers to these 5 key marketing questions, you can create effective web pages, sales letters and other sales generating communications. The answers to these 5 questions reveal how you can get your prospect’s attention and motivate them to take the...

Crazy Marketing Ideas

Some of the most lucrative businesses have been built on what on the surface appears to be a completely irrational idea. Maybe it’s best not to be too sensible when it comes to marketing. When pet rocks were marketed in the United States in the mid-1960s some people...

Marketing to the Aging Baby Boomers

The baby boomers have been setting consumer trends for half a century now, and as they move through their 50s and into retirement, they will continue to do so. We are likely to see a significant change in consumer behavior for this demographic – consumption patterns...

The Importance of a Marketing Plan

A marketing plan clarifies the key marketing elements of a business and maps out directions, objectives and activities for the business and its employees. The marketing plan draws on the broader perspectives outlined in a firm’s business plan. The business plan states...