Barriers to Entry
Crazy Marketing Ideas
Some of the most lucrative businesses have been built on what on the surface appears to be a completely irrational idea. Maybe it’s best not to be too sensible when it comes to marketing. When pet rocks were marketed in the United States in the mid-1960s some people...Five Myths of Professional Services Marketing

How to Build Your Business
Joe’s Red Hots — A Case Study in Promotion Planning
Market a Service or Other Niche Business – A Sample Plan
Marketing Strategies for Professional Services
Marketing a professional services firm to identified prospects can be daunting. It’s even more of a challenge to get the firm’s name out to the world at large. But it can be done, and it’s not really that difficult. If you need a reason why you should do it, think of...Marketing to the Aging Baby Boomers
The baby boomers have been setting consumer trends for half a century now, and as they move through their 50s and into retirement, they will continue to do so. We are likely to see a significant change in consumer behavior for this demographic – consumption patterns...Metrics and Marketing
Metrics are an essential element of modern marketing. The numbers related to the processes of a business can be useful in a variety of ways, and one of their most important uses is measuring the success or otherwise of a marketing plan. Even small businesses can now...Prepare Well When Changing Your Business Name
Business names are features of our urban landscape. We see them in lights on top of buildings, on billboards and over franchise outlets. Any time we pay attention to a particular business name, we trigger a set of memories and associations. If we have had good or bad...Professional Service Firms: Market to the Clients You Already Have
Professional services firms have awakened to the need to market themselves as a means of acquiring new clients. However, once the client’s added to the list they’re too often simply “communicated with” rather than “marketed to”, and that means missed opportunities....Promotion Planning Can Yield Steady Business Growth
Things are going well for your business. You and the team are busy taking orders and delivering services and no one has time for marketing. Then it happens – quietly, almost imperceptibly – sales slow and continue slowing for a month. Of course you’re concerned. ...The Importance of a Marketing Plan
A marketing plan clarifies the key marketing elements of a business and maps out directions, objectives and activities for the business and its employees. The marketing plan draws on the broader perspectives outlined in a firm’s business plan. The business plan states...The Renn’s Story – Market Research and Business Planning Failure
The Ultimate 5-Step Marketing Plan