8 Crimes of Marketing

We all make mistakes in business and some are more costly than others. Here are just eight of the marketing mistakes businesses make every day. Go through your marketing plan carefully and see if any of these errors apply to you. It may not be too late to make...

Add Benefits to Increase Sales

When someone makes a purchase they buy more than just a product or service. At the time the product or service is probably the most important element, but they also buy a range of benefits that can over the long-term become their reason for being satisfied or...

Get the Buzz in Your Marketing

Marketing is anything but a clearly defined science. What worked ten or fifteen years ago will now be seen by consumers as irrelevant and outdated. New generations are out there with unprecedented demands and new channels of communication; to ignore them is to invite...

Guerrilla Marketing — How Does it Work

They’re a kind of metropolitan phenomenon. A large duck holding a sign saying “Pizzas today – $5 each”, or Superman leaps out into the street carrying a placard promoting a sale in a nearby store. In the depression era of much earlier times it was someone wearing a...

Help the Community and Your Firm

Most of us have a charity or other worthy cause that we support. This lets us help others and in turn gives us a genuine feeling of sharing with those less fortunate than ourselves. By serving as volunteers we’re able to make a contribution that is perhaps even more...

Make a Small Firm Look Bigger

Small firms are often penalized for their size. They don’t get as much attention from governmental authorities as bigger firms, nor are they likely to be considered as important when it comes to matters like making capital equipment purchases or tendering for work. In...

Market Your Business with an eBook

An eBook is just what it sounds like – A book that’s published online and exists in an electronic format that can be downloaded from a website. Anyone can write an eBook, including you, and use it to market their business and its products. An eBook can be free or...

Spot the Trend and Get Ahead

Trend-spotting is big money these days. If you can spot the “next big thing” you could be among the first to cash in on it. What’s even better is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to know what’s about to happen. Big companies increasingly gear themselves for...

The Case Study and How to Shorten It

Case studies (or case histories as they’re sometimes called) are a highly effective way to promote a business. They can show how a product is used and what it can accomplish for the user. They can relate the history of a consulting assignment and detail the results....