by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
One way or another, business is all about selling. We have to sell to our customers, to our banks and other sources of funds, and even just when we’re meeting people for the first time in a social situation. “Selling” really means just being yourself in a way that’s...
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
Description: You call a meeting to try to convince your boss that your company needs to make an important move. Your argument is impassioned, your logic unassailable, your data bulletproof. Two weeks later, though, you learn that your brilliant proposal has been...
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 1, 2016 | Management & Motivation, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
It’s amazing just how indecisive some people can be. You’ve discovered their requirements and you’ve told them just how your product offers them the solution they need, and yet they still don’t buy right then and there. What stops them from making a decision? Sad to...
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | General - Marketing, Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Packaging, Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Customer Relationship Management, Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Management & Motivation, Selling Skills, Selling Skills
Leads aren’t terribly hard to get. They can be purchased or bartered for. They can come from inquiries or from prospecting. Regardless of how they’re obtained, bulk quantities of leads are out there, waiting to be acquired. But that doesn’t mean these leads have any...
by Chris Hunter | Nov 8, 2015 | Listening Skills, Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | General - Marketing, Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
If traditionally most business owners have focused their energy on selling a product, more and more are trying their hand at offering services rather than goods. Recent data shows that service firms – which offer expertise in areas as diverse as Web marketing,...
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Jan 14, 2016 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Interviews & Onboarding, Selling Skills, Selling Skills
Carefully planned and executed, the business lunch can be a valuable tool for acquiring new business, gathering market intelligence, or increasing business from existing customers. It’s also a way of smoothing over little hiccups that occur from time to time in the...
by Chris Hunter | Feb 2, 2016 | Coaching & Soft Skills, General - Marketing, Selling Skills, Selling Skills, Web Sites & E-Marketing - Part 2
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
by Chris Hunter | Jan 17, 2016 | General - Marketing, Marketing Strategies, Selling Skills
For most automotive businesses women make up anywhere from 60 percent to 80 percent of their customers. This indicates that a massive shift has taken place within the past ten years. Women have an incredible amount of purchasing power and are directing a growing...
by Chris Hunter | Apr 3, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
There are some people who always seem to know everything. They can answer almost any question on any subject and convince you that their knowledge is superior than yours. Further interrogation will usually prove that their knowledge is less than comprehensive and that...
by Chris Hunter | Jan 30, 2016 | Selling Skills, Selling Skills
There are some people who always seem to know everything. They can answer almost any question on any subject and convince you that their knowledge is superior than yours. Further interrogation will usually prove that their knowledge is less than comprehensive and that...