A Start on Office Ergonomics
Most of us have some general thoughts about ergonomics, but this information can easily be out-of-date. Fortunately for those involved with making decisions about office furniture and setup current ergonomics encourages variety and movement rather than rigid...Business Contract Basics – A Resource Directory
Choose the Right Supplier the First Time — The Way You are Chosen
Choosing a supplier for the things you need to stay in business is an important process and one that should be approached methodically. If a supplier lets you down you may let your clients down and that can lead to really big problems. The next time you have to find a...
Document Retention: What to Keep and for How Long

E-Mail Archiving Essentials
The increasing incidence of electronic discovery requests during lawsuits as well as the requirements of legislation such as the Sarbanes Oxley Act means that any company with an e-mail server should consider the acquisition of an email archiving system. There is a...Employee – Customer Idea Suggestion Card from San Juan Regional Medical Center
Employee Suggestion Idea Card from Kroger Grocery
Goal Setting: Why to Do It and How
In most enterprises today goal setting for team members is a part of the business structure. Goals provide a direction toward which your team can direct their energies. Goals focus your efforts and the efforts of your team on the activities that propel you in the...
Haggling Makes Business Sense
Whether it’s buying or selling, dealing with customers or employees, business owners have to negotiate virtually every day. Yet many may not view it as a separate skill, such as bookkeeping or time-management. Successful negotiating is both a science and an art, and...Helping Clients Outrun the Recession
With the local economy in the dumps, business development advisors are working with clients to tighten up their defenses. In addition to dispensing advice on how to better monitor cash flow and accelerate receivables, business development advisors are helping clients...
National Do Not Call Registry
The National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about receiving or refusing telemarketing calls at home. The following Internet address and toll-free number can be used to obtain more information and to register your telephone number(s) on the national database:...
Organize Your Office and Keep it That Way

Project-Investment Appraisal Criteria Matrix

Recognizing the Top-25 Hidden Workplace Dangers
Street Smarts: Secrets of a $110 Million Man
Take It or Leave It: The Only Negotiating Guide You’ll Ever Need
The Workable Office
The modern office is full of equipment that is intended to make the most of our human capital. The computing power of the devices found in most small businesses is likely to exceed that used to get man to the moon, but not every office is set up in such a way that...What to Do When You Lose a Major Client
Losing a major client can put a big dent in the cash flow of your small business. It can take a long time to recover that lost revenue stream. You may find a new client, but new clients typically purchase less than clients with whom you have an established...