Leadership – Give it a Try

When the leadership is right and the time is right, the people can always be counted upon to follow to the end and at all costs. – Harold J. Seymour We often use expressions like “A born leader” without worrying too much about just what a leader is. Trying to define...

Make Your Next Presentation a Great One

It happens every so often – you’re called upon to give a presentation and suddenly stage fright begins. Relax. There are lots of things you can do to make your next public speaking job a winner and once you’ve learned them presentations will never be a problem again....
So You’re in Charge.  Now What?

So You’re in Charge. Now What?

The first-time business owner has a lot to learn and not much time in which to learn it. Whether you have a team or one or twenty it’s always a bit lonely at the top. Here are a few things that can help you settle into the top dog’s role. Get Ready for the New...

Transitioning Between Generations

The family business is often the basis of a family’s wealth. It generates the funds that feed and clothe two or three generations concurrently, and can also be something that is a source of pride and to which all family members have a deep emotional attachment. When...

Turn Supervisors into Coaches

It has been demonstrated across a number of industries that team performance can be enhanced through the application of external coaching. The members of a team will collectively “lift their game” and productivity increases are the norm. However, the degree of...

What Happens Next? — Shell Oil’s Use of Scenario Planning

You’ll recognize the familiar way to tell an optimist from a pessimist. Give each a glass of water filled to the halfway point and ask them to describe it. The optimist says the glass is “half full”, the pessimist says it’s “half empty”. From this you can extrapolate...

What Makes a Great Project Manager?

Companies typically dedicate a lot of resources towards finding new clients and revenue generating projects. However, an equal amount of resources should also be directed towards finding the right project manager (PM). Each new project will come with numerous unique...