People are both a company’s most valuable asset and greatest competitive advantage. No wonder human resources is one of the four cornerstones of every business.
In helping build teams, Cornerstone finds the sites below to be of great assistance.
(The resource center contains a treasure trove of short practical articles on how to set up and operate a wide variety of employee recognition programs and events. The site also offers a variety of employee recognition awards.)
Korn Ferry – The Hay Group
(The Hay Group is a world leader in HR and compensation consulting. In 2015 the Hay Group joined with Korn Ferry, a leading executive search firm.)
HR Forms Template Library
(The library offers an abundance of HR form templates. They are sourced from the website www.HR.com. We’ve taken the liberty of downloading over 75 templates from this site for our clients and sorted them into categories for your selection ease.) Click here for the zip download.
The Institute for Health and Human Potential
(This is the home page of J.P. Pawliw-Fry, one of the preeminent experts in the field of emotional intelligence on the subject of E.Q. Don’t miss taking the E.Q. Awareness Test.)
Panoramic 360° Feedback
(This cloud-based product allows companies to cost effectively administer 360° performance appraisals. Even you don’t buy, the white papers are worthwhile reading.)