10 Steps To Effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

11 Steps to Create a Successful Website (an e-book)

15 Ways To Improve Your E-mail Delivery Rates

5 Reasons e-Newsletters Get Trashed
5 Rules for an Effective Direct Email Marketing Campaign

7 Marketing Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Teenager to Build Your Website
7 Social Media Mistakes That Kill ROI – And How to Fix Them

8 Tips to Significantly Improve Your E-mail Response
Add a Webinar to Your Marketing Mix
A “webinar” is really a web-based seminar. Now webinars are becoming a marketing tool that can help professional services firms retain existing clients as well as acquire new ones. From the participants’ viewpoint all that’s needed is access to a phone and a dedicated...Catching Customers With Your Website
Are your newspaper ads failing to hit the mark? Have TV and radio commercials become too pricey for you? Are you tired of delivering your own pamphlets? Is word-of-mouth just not working? Don’t despair – all is not lost – because the most effective way of getting your...Choosing a Host for Your Company’s Website
The internet is one of the most powerful tools in 21st century marketing. Businesses that just a couple of years ago hadn’t even thought about building a website are now enthusiastic promoters of the need to have an internet presence. But no matter how good your site...Create Better Online Forms
The growth of eCommerce has helped to convert many of our formerly paper-based activities into electronic functionalities. Early attempts at putting forms onto the Internet usually required downloading a form, filling it out, then faxing it back to the website owner....Don’t Give Up on E-mail Marketing
For a while it seemed that email marketing would completely replace “snail mail” – the more conventional kind of mail that’s been around for centuries. Email offers so much – speed, low cost, ease of response and the ability to send attachments with documents or...
E-Mail Merging and Sending MS Publisher Newsletters (Works for All Versions of Publisher Since 2007)

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Focus the Content on Your Website
Websites are a bit like Topsy; they start small then grow, and then grow some more. The usual outcome is that most websites have lost their original single focus and become something like a library, with content intended to cover every possible topic. They lose a...
How to Build a Small Business Website with WordPress
WordPress is now the world’s most popular web-building platform for small business. Fortunately the approach to building and maintaining a website is much simpler than it used to be when compared to the days of having to code HTML line-by-line. I recently came...How to Get Visitors to Really Hate a Website
A website can be a big asset for any business. For a professional services firm it can tell people about your range of services, introduce key personnel, and carry case histories that demonstrate a history of success in your field. For a client it can be a means of...
How To Make Email Marketing Work for Your Small Business or Non-Profit
How to Secure Your Company’s Website
You may recall reading articles about how the website of a prominent politician has been “hacked” from outside and the site’s content altered to ridicule the person. Or about how a government body’s website has been sprinkled with pornographic images. And more than...
How To Write An Effective Landing Page

Planning and Publishing Your Company Website
Social Media: ROI Possible
Very informative presentation on how to make sure you’re getting the return from your company’s effort in social media outreach. Click the picture to view the slidedeck . . .The Facts of Going Online
Every businessperson knows someone who claims to have made a fortune by “going online” with their business. Many organizations have successfully transitioned to trading on the Internet, but an equal or perhaps greater number have tried and failed. It’s important to...