by Chris Hunter | Mar 30, 2016 | Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 30, 2016 | Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 10, 2020 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Communications & Performance Reviews, General - Human Resources
When giving feedback, either positive or constructively critical, there are only two reasons for doing so: to change or reinforce behavior in order to achieve a desired result. With those purposes in mind, here are 15 tips for providing feedback. Click here to read...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 30, 2016 | Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 30, 2016 | Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 30, 2016 | Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Nov 25, 2015 | Leadership, Management & Motivation, Sales Management, Start-Ups, Strategy
There are numerous lists of “ways to succeed in business” and many of them contain some words of valuable advice for every business owner. This article takes a different view — that of wanting to be sure a business turns up its heels and dies in the shortest possible...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Coaching & Soft Skills, General - Human Resources, Leadership
Running a business isn’t something you can usually do by yourself. One way or another, other people make their contributions to your enterprise. They could be members of your team, suppliers, co-directors or even family members who support you and they all deserve...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
Every firm has its ups and downs, and that can have a major effect on morale. If times get tough or the firm has to drastically cut expenditures there’s often a negative emotion that grows until it pervades the enterprise. We’ve all seen places like that — the team...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
Description: At the core of your company, there is a group of people who seem to call the shots–or, rather, all the shots seem to be called for their benefit. This core group can’t be found on any organization chart. It exists in people’s hearts and minds. It...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 29, 2016 | Business Plans, General - Personal Growth & Leadership, Leadership
Every organization will benefit from an input of fresh ideas. These can be about products, services, promotions, packaging, human resources — any aspect of an enterprise. Even if you don’t have any pressing problems to solve at the moment, it’s always healthy to give...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
As long as there has been a need for improvement there have been coaches to provide it. Two thousand years ago the Roman army had coaches to develop skills in such critical areas as fighting battles, defending a fortress, setting up an encampment and how to manage...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
The term “coaching” is used a lot these days. We hear about “personal coaching” and “business coaching” as often as we hear about coaching in the field of sports, but are we really talking about such different things? Leaving aside arguments over the quality of some...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 28, 2016 | Delegation, Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 27, 2016 | Change Management, Leadership, Strategy, Values
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 29, 2016 | General - Personal Growth & Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 28, 2016 | Delegation, Leadership
Almost every business owner has too much to do and not enough time to do it in. But there is a solution – let your team members take some of the weight off your back by learning how to delegate effectively. Are you taking work home every night? Do jobs pile up when...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 28, 2016 | Delegation, Leadership
“Empower” is one of those words we see a lot of these days, but what does it really mean to a business owner? It doesn’t mean giving up your authority. It doesn’t mean shuffling off all the responsibilities of ownership onto the shoulders of your team. What it can...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
Executive coaching develops the abilities and effectiveness of business leaders. It is a three way process that links the organization, the executive and the coach with defined goals for the organization and the executive to be achieved as outcomes of the process....
by Chris Hunter | Nov 6, 2019 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Communications & Performance Reviews, General - Personal Growth & Leadership, Human Resources, Leadership
This tip is adapted from “Are You Sugarcoating Your Feedback Without Realizing It?,” by Michael Schaerer and Roderick Swaab Many managers sugarcoat tough feedback, either to avoid retaliation or to protect employees’ feelings. But research shows that managers tend to...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
BOOK REVIEW: Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul and John Christensen. Hyperion Press, 2000 “When we choose to love the work we do, we can catch our limit of happiness, meaning, and fulfilment every day.” This is the core message of Fish! – the tale of Mary Jane, an...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
Managers always have high expectations for the people they hire. But new team members don’t always fit right into the organization, perform their jobs without fault and obey directions without questioning them. We’re only human and that means that our performance at...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 29, 2015 | General - Human Resources, General - Operations, General - Personal Growth & Leadership
In most enterprises today goal setting for team members is a part of the business structure. Goals provide a direction toward which your team can direct their energies. Goals focus your efforts and the efforts of your team on the activities that propel you in the...
by Chris Hunter | Sep 22, 2019 | Change Management, General - Personal Growth & Leadership, Leadership, Performance Management, Strategy
From McKinsey & Company When developing initiatives to improve performance and health, follow this process to prioritize for maximum impact. Click picture to read article.
by Chris Hunter | Mar 29, 2016 | General - Personal Growth & Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 30, 2016 | Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 30, 2016 | Leadership, Management & Motivation
by Chris Hunter | Mar 30, 2016 | Leadership
When the leadership is right and the time is right, the people can always be counted upon to follow to the end and at all costs. – Harold J. Seymour We often use expressions like “A born leader” without worrying too much about just what a leader is. Trying to define...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Communications & Performance Reviews, General - Personal Growth & Leadership, Leadership, Management & Motivation
There is no “one size fits all” solution to succeed in the demanding area of managing people. Most managers have their own styles and some are more effective than others. What is certain is that people management must be an active part of every business owner’s daily...
by Chris Hunter | Nov 25, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Management & Motivation
Management is always an interesting topic in the world of business. It’s something that some of us do better than others, and it requires a diverse set of skills that it never hurts to update or refresh. Unfortunately, it’s also an area that’s targeted by one fad...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Coaching & Soft Skills, General - Human Resources, Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 29, 2016 | General - Personal Growth & Leadership, Leadership
How do you feel on Friday afternoon — worn out, tired, flat? Do your body and your mind agree that you’ve made it to the finish line, and you feel finished? Maybe it’s time to set a different pace for your workdays. This doesn’t mean you’ll get less done, at least not...
by Chris Hunter | Nov 25, 2015 | General - Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Performance Management, Strategy
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Business Plans, General - Personal Growth & Leadership, Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 29, 2016 | General - Personal Growth & Leadership, Leadership, Project Management
Problem solving is a part of life, especially in our businesses. How you go about it is often the most important determinant of the outcome you get. Here’s a step-by-step management process for problem solving that you can use the next time something goes wrong and...
by Chris Hunter | Nov 25, 2015 | Leadership, Project Management, Start-Ups, Strategy
Every firm needs a statement of its vision. A vision statement can be a unifying and motivating force for all team members – those who are part of the organization today and those who join in the months and years to come. If they are exposed to a bold and exciting...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Ethics, Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Leadership
The first-time business owner has a lot to learn and not much time in which to learn it. Whether you have a team or one or twenty it’s always a bit lonely at the top. Here are a few things that can help you settle into the top dog’s role. Get Ready for the New...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to function as a CEO in today’s high pressure business environment, but the rewards can be immense. Many CEOs make more in a year than their employees will make in a lifetime. The average CEO of a major U.S. corporation earns in...
by Chris Hunter | Nov 16, 2015 | Boards of Directors, Family Businesses, Leadership
The strengths of a family business are also its weaknesses. If those weaknesses are managed well and turned into advantages, the business may survive and prosper – perhaps even to the second generation (a feat that is achieved by only 30 percent of family businesses)....
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Business Plans, Leadership
Business management requires decisions to be made on a more or less constant basis. Even a bad decision can be profitable for a company, but not as profitable as a good decision would have been in the same circumstances. It’s important to make decisions the right way...
by Chris Hunter | Dec 26, 2015 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Coaching & Soft Skills, Leadership
Business coaching is a field that’s experiencing rapid growth. One of its primary functions is to create the circumstances under which performance improvement can happen, and when the client is a team, coaching has been proven to be highly effective. Team coaching...
by Chris Hunter | Mar 29, 2016 | General - Personal Growth & Leadership, Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Nov 25, 2015 | General - Entrepreneurship, General - Personal Growth & Leadership, Leadership, Management & Motivation
by Chris Hunter | Mar 31, 2016 | Leadership
by Chris Hunter | Nov 21, 2015 | Franchising, General - Entrepreneurship, General - Personal Growth & Leadership, Leadership, Start-Ups
Everyone wants to be a successful entrepreneur, which is why the management and self-help sections of bookshops are full books with titles like “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. But the term entrepreneur is a vague one, which can mean different things around...