Networking — Get Out and Do It!

Owners of all kinds of small businesses are learning the value of networking. There’s a growing realization that doing well in business is often a matter of looking around and seeing what others are doing right and wrong – and doing the right things as often as...

Networking for Beginners

Every time we attend a business function such as a training course, a trade show or an annual conference we have the opportunity to network. In fact, most of us network frequently, although we may not think of it exactly that way. Networking is the social part of...

Spot the Trend and Get Ahead

Trend-spotting is big money these days. If you can spot the “next big thing” you could be among the first to cash in on it. What’s even better is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to know what’s about to happen. Big companies increasingly gear themselves for...

Successfully Selling Services

If traditionally most business owners have focused their energy on selling a product, more and more are trying their hand at offering services rather than goods. Recent data shows that service firms – which offer expertise in areas as diverse as Web marketing,...

The Case Study and How to Shorten It

Case studies (or case histories as they’re sometimes called) are a highly effective way to promote a business. They can show how a product is used and what it can accomplish for the user. They can relate the history of a consulting assignment and detail the results....

The Consumer Shift to Value

Retail environments around the world are changing. The change is structural and irreversible, and it’s based on a shift to value as a purchasing goal. Retailers that offer what the consumer perceives as value will come out on top; those that can’t compete in this...

The Facts of Going Online

Every businessperson knows someone who claims to have made a fortune by “going online” with their business. Many organizations have successfully transitioned to trading on the Internet, but an equal or perhaps greater number have tried and failed. It’s important to...

The Importance of a Marketing Plan

A marketing plan clarifies the key marketing elements of a business and maps out directions, objectives and activities for the business and its employees. The marketing plan draws on the broader perspectives outlined in a firm’s business plan. The business plan states...

The Trade Show and How to Use It

Trade shows are a part of every industry. They can sometimes seem to be expensive gabfests without a hard-core business purpose, or else expensive networking opportunities that take business owners and team members away from the office and chargeable hours. But used...

Value Delivers B2B Profits

B2B marketing is never easy because you’re usually dealing with somebody that has costs very much in mind. However, even more important than getting something at the right price is making a purchase that delivers real business value. Value isn’t just about price,...

Why Can’t I Remember Your Name?

You’re terrible with names. You forget someone’s name within ten seconds of their introduction, and it embarrasses you. In fact, it’s possible you won’t even approach someone whose name you have forgotten. As a result, you will miss out on a valuable business contact....

Writing Better Direct Mail Marketing Pieces

How often do you get a piece of “junk” mail? Twice a week? Every day? It’s so common that for many people their unsolicited correspondence even outnumbers the bills they receive. Yet direct mail is still a powerful and valuable advertising medium. Major users include...

You Can’t Know Everything

There are some people who always seem to know everything. They can answer almost any question on any subject and convince you that their knowledge is superior than yours. Further interrogation will usually prove that their knowledge is less than comprehensive and that...

Your Business Card – In Wallets or Wastebaskets?

Business cards are a small but very important marketing element. They are a big part of the first impression you make on someone you meet for the first time, and every time they look at your business card for your contact details they are reminded of that impression...