A New Look at the Workforce

The implications of what has been termed the “skills shortage” need to be understood by every business owner. The ways we hire, train, remunerate and manage people will have to change, and so will the way we run our businesses. Most countries have an aging workforce...

Develop an Employee Retention Strategy

The Herman Group of Greensboro, North Carolina are business advisers specializing in issues concerning the workforce and workplace trends. They tell us that “an estimated 75 percent of American employers do not have a dedicated employee retention function.” It’s a...

Dishonesty in the Workplace

Dishonesty in the workplace takes two main forms – lying and stealing, and both are more common than many of us would like to think. Everyday examples of lying in the workplace include embellishing the truth on personal resumes and company track records; suggesting to...

Easy Time Management

Every person in every organization is well aware that by adopting even the most basic time management techniques they can become more effective, and hence more productive. Even if they don’t actually do it. For professional service firms it is especially important....

Effective Delegation — It’s an Art

Almost every business owner has too much to do and not enough time to do it in. But there is a solution – let your team members take some of the weight off your back by learning how to delegate effectively. Are you taking work home every night? Do jobs pile up when...

Empower Your Team Members

“Empower” is one of those words we see a lot of these days, but what does it really mean to a business owner? It doesn’t mean giving up your authority. It doesn’t mean shuffling off all the responsibilities of ownership onto the shoulders of your team. What it can...

Feedback Should Be Clear and Actionable, Not “Nice” and Vague

This tip is adapted from “Are You Sugarcoating Your Feedback Without Realizing It?,” by Michael Schaerer and Roderick Swaab Many managers sugarcoat tough feedback, either to avoid retaliation or to protect employees’ feelings. But research shows that managers tend to...

Office Politics:  Deal with Them!

While there will always be some gossip and rumors, office politics does not need to be a negative experience. Office politics can be used to advantage if done properly. Let’s face it: office politics are inevitable. Wherever people gather, they will gossip, spread...