People Development Need Not be Expensive
There are some highly skilled occupations that require up to one-third of the person’s time to be devoted to training or maintenance of skills. This can just as easily apply to an automotive electrical engineer as it can to a developer of complex computer programs....Positive Program for Performance Appraisal – HBR
Rebuilding Workplace Morale After Downsizing
As the world economy slumps and unemployment rises, more and more managers face the task of laying off workers. There are a host of negative emotions to be managed at this time and the aftermath of layoffs could present great problems. Workforce ‘survivors’ will be...Retaining Good Team Members in a Small Company
Good team members are hard to find and hard to keep. Although the economic downturn has led to some downsizing, talented people still have their pick of good jobs. There are likely to be increased talent shortages over the coming years, as baby boomers retire and are...Reward Program Implementation — Missed Opportunties

So You’re in Charge. Now What?
The first-time business owner has a lot to learn and not much time in which to learn it. Whether you have a team or one or twenty it’s always a bit lonely at the top. Here are a few things that can help you settle into the top dog’s role. Get Ready for the New...Something to Celebrate!
As times change so does the way in which we note special occasions. We now have team members instead of ‘personnel’, and celebrations instead of what used to be unimaginatively called ‘office functions’. Some of the benefits of celebrations are: • They bring...Stay Out of Hot Water – “Control the Temperature” Through Process
Business owners and managers simply can’t afford to ignore problems with team members. To do so is to risk exposure to expensive lawsuits that few SMEs can afford. Problems with individuals can also lead to lower team morale, a loss of productivity and the departure...Team Coaching – A Role for Professionals
Business coaching is a field that’s experiencing rapid growth. One of its primary functions is to create the circumstances under which performance improvement can happen, and when the client is a team, coaching has been proven to be highly effective. Team coaching...Telecommuting: Its Pros and Cons
During the nineties, the number of Americans doing ‘telework’ or ‘telecommuting’ grew from four to twenty million. The number of ‘teleworkers’ seems set to increase even further. The trend continues to grow as bandwidth increases! Teleworkers work from home or other...The Four Key Qualities of Effective Employee Recognition
Training Offers More Than Just Improved Skills
For the budget-conscious small business, training isn’t always a priority when it comes to dividing up the company purse. Many financial directors tend to question the cost of team development when considerations like company promotion and retaining clients are also...Training Your Team Members Online
In today’s business environment, plenty has been said about the importance of keeping team members well educated and equipped with enough of the latest industry work practices, tricks and procedures to bring maximum value to employers. Popular belief says that...
Unacceptable Behavior — What Do You Do About It?
What are You Paying For? How to Ensure Return on Your Reward Investment.
What Your Team Members Really Want
It can be a costly blow to lose a key team member in a professional services firm. There’s the possibility of their taking some business with them, of course, but also the cost of sourcing a replacement and the expense to the firm of getting the new person up to full...
Why Productive Workers Leave— Seven Suggestions for Keeping Them
Work Place Privacy — A Team Issue
Ever since Orwell’s classic novel “1984” was published there’s been a growing sense that Big Brother may indeed be watching us. Walking along a city street, driving on a freeway, or even sitting at our desks there’s an increasing chance that someone could be looking...