Fees in Professional Service Firms — Two Views

Business people are pretty efficient when it comes to negotiating prices for goods and services when they purchase them from others. However, when setting their own level of fees for professional services many firm owners do not know how to begin the process. Fees for...

Hold the Price & Keep the Customer

When it comes to setting prices the majority of businesses are followers, not leaders. It they raise prices it’s always with the fear that customers will be offended, but they’ll lower prices to keep a customer or get a new one. They’re usually more price-sensitive...

Increase Your Prices Without Pain

Most Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) undervalue themselves and consequently have prices that aren’t genuinely high enough. The prices may cover the costs of the product and maybe even the marketing costs plus a small profit, but they could still be higher...

Is That Price Increase Necessary?

Costs go up in a seemingly never-ceasing process. Suppliers raise their prices so the businesses that purchase from them raise their prices. Those businesses that purchase from the businesses that have just raised their prices have to raise their own prices. And so it...

Make Sure the Price is Right

Pricing is something that most small businesses do in a way that’s less than scientific. Usually the owner makes an estimate of what the costs are of providing a product or service, then adds a fixed percentage and calls it “profit”. The result is a price that’s too...

Value Delivers B2B Profits

B2B marketing is never easy because you’re usually dealing with somebody that has costs very much in mind. However, even more important than getting something at the right price is making a purchase that delivers real business value. Value isn’t just about price,...