Be Yourself and Sell Yourself

One way or another, business is all about selling. We have to sell to our customers, to our banks and other sources of funds, and even just when we’re meeting people for the first time in a social situation. “Selling” really means just being yourself in a way that’s...

Give Customers a Reason to Decide

It’s amazing just how indecisive some people can be. You’ve discovered their requirements and you’ve told them just how your product offers them the solution they need, and yet they still don’t buy right then and there. What stops them from making a decision? Sad to...

Handling Sales Objections

Just because a prospective client objects to your proposal is not a signal to fold up your tent and quit. Your response may be what closes the sale. The feel-felt-found technique is easy to apply in overcoming an objection. A prospect may tell you that they cannot...

Successfully Selling Services

If traditionally most business owners have focused their energy on selling a product, more and more are trying their hand at offering services rather than goods. Recent data shows that service firms – which offer expertise in areas as diverse as Web marketing,...

You Can’t Know Everything

There are some people who always seem to know everything. They can answer almost any question on any subject and convince you that their knowledge is superior than yours. Further interrogation will usually prove that their knowledge is less than comprehensive and that...

You Can’t Know Everything

There are some people who always seem to know everything. They can answer almost any question on any subject and convince you that their knowledge is superior than yours. Further interrogation will usually prove that their knowledge is less than comprehensive and that...